Helping Students Become Debt Free

  • We will do a free student loan evaluation.
  • We will take your information and research the details of your specific case with our nationwide database.
  • We will get back to you with approximate savings and the amount possible for discharge.
  • If you don't save money, YOU DON'T PAY ANYTHING.

How the Process Works

Goal #1

Once your information is submitted, we will call you within 24 hours.

Request a Student Loan Review

Determine if you qualify for a part or a full discharge of your student loans.

Communicate with all your lenders based on the information received.

To make sure that our cleints only pay for the Student Loans that they are required to pay.

Goal #2

Goal #3

We're sorry.  The Department of Education has stopped processing these claims.

7137 E. Rancho Vista Drive

Scottsdale, AZ 85251